Our advocates are available 24/7 to speak with you. A telephone call is often the best way to speak with an advocate, but we recognize it’s not always safe or easy to talk by phone. If you are unable to speak by phone, we offer a free and confidential online chat service that is a safe and private way to connect with a Harmony House advocate.
Before you connect with us via chat, please make sure you are in a safe place and you are using a secure computer that has not been tampered with. If you believe your computer may be compromised, we strongly encourage you to find a safe, untampered with computer for the chat or call our hotline at 417-864-SAFE from a safe phone.
Our web chat is end-to-end encrypted, which means that only you and the advocate you’re chatting with can read the contents of the messages being sent. However, there is no technology that can prevent information from being read on a device that has a virus, malware, spyware, etc. installed on it. If you are concerned that your computer might be compromised, please call the 24-hour hotline at 417-864-SAFE. If this is an emergency, dial 9-1-1. When you are done with your web chat, it is a good idea to clear your computer’s history and erase your computer’s cookies. This will prevent someone from viewing your internet activity. Please click the link below to begin your web chat. If an advocate does not immediately respond it means they are on a hotline call or assisting shelter clients. If it is safe, you may remain on the chat until they are available to assist you or you can call 417-864-SAFE.
Start Chat
Confidentiality and mandated reporting: All communications and services are free and will be held confidential unless you disclose child abuse/neglect. We are mandated reporters by law and must report this information.
Disclosure regarding images/screenshots: Do not send images, pictures, screen shots, or any other attachment for safety. We also recommend that you do not take screenshots of this chat. If it is sent, the Advocate will immediately delete it.

Safety Exit